Friday, July 29, 2011

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nov 4 and 5 Days LAST

Andy is a mad rider and he flies and do mean flies.  He has had to wait for me more than the 50 to 1 ratio enough times to ensure even if he did get sick again He would be up a ton of points.  Dragging along with "POKEY" old Dad must be boring as hell but he did manage to make it enjoyable for me and I hope for him we had a great time together.

So here is what has happened. 
On Thursday we had a tail wind from Donanldsonville and drove the bikes really hard.  Right up to ferry crossing we were suppose to do.  More than 50 miles in less than 4.5 hours but the ferry was closed.  The local sheriff we spoke said, "That ferry been closed for more than 3 years I do not know why anyone would send you'al to it!".  So we checked the GPS and talked to locals and decided the best solution would be to cross on I 310 into to New Orleans.  Not our  best decision of the trip but the only one we could find.  It was busy, narrow and I did not like it.  Andy liked it less !!!  When we got to the bridge part of the crossing there was shoulder construction and I was relieved a little as that opens a lane for us.  However there was so much work that the foreman said not today on the shoulder, but if you throw the bikes in the back of that truck I will drive you across.  They were in the back of that truck faster than you could say, "Good idea".  This put us across and I was thankfull and happy.  That one ride is my thankful for the day for Thursday. 

In the end we made 95 miles into New Oleans for the day,

Friday we got up early I have noticed that Andy is happy to get up and that made this easy to get distance.   Starting where we finished, just outside of the French Quarter we pushed hard and covered 100 miles to the end of the road.  Not a lot of sites along the way as  most of the ride was beside the grass hills on both sides the gulf and the river.  The ferrry on the ride today was there and it was easy.  Aside from a few crazy driver and one sheriff that almost hit me I made the distance without much to complain about.  Andy was again much faster than me and waited for me numerous times to make sure we did not get lost.  The last point to made here is that we did get lost once on a missed turn but picked it up almost at once. 

Thankful for the Ride.I am thankful for this ride and I owe a sulute to all those that supported  me on it here is a partial list.
  • Dianne for being there and helping we decide to do it and supporting me along the way. She held down the house and took care of my bills and life while I was away.
  • Dave for coming along with me.  Without you Dave I may not have had the guts to start and may not have completed.  I still miss you.
  • Donna my sister for lending Dave to me, he really saved my butt numerous times.
  • My parents for raising me teaching me to believe I can accomplish the difficult, and providing moral support during the ride.
  • Andy and Angel for spending their vacation time with me I could not have accomplished this last week with out them.
  • The doctors and staff at NIH for patching me up.
  • All my friends that provided support during the ride
Well this is starting to sound like an Acadmy award speach so I will stop now if I missed you I am sorry but I do appreciate all the help and support along the way.

Learning from the ride
  1. When Americans drink and drive they prefer bad beer.  (I mean Bud lite come on we can do better)
  2. Trash comes out of cars as often as bad beer cans.
  3. The volunteer programs to keep the road clean help areas with them are cleaner.
  4. Snakes are the most common dead animal along the road in the fall, followed by coons, and possums.  
  5. The end of the ride was in a barge terminal with out sandy beaches or great views.  Sometimes life is like that where you end up is not the most attractive spot, but it is where you are.  The journey is the key to happiness. I really enjoyed the ride, it was hard and challenging but I kept at it and found satisfaction  in doing it.  So I have no complaints about the end of the ride not being a scenic beach out in the gulf it is after all just the end of this trip and the start of another.  (What I do not know but I will think up something to do.)
What I am going to do.
I am not sure I undertook the ride in attempt to figure out what to with my life after the last surgery and job.  In the end I just figured out that life happens and that you should enjoy it as best you can and do what you can do.  I have several business things to work on and I have to get my mind into going back to NIH for scans that will a couple of days. 

Love and Kisses to all and to all a good morning.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov 3 Day 15 after Di

Andy is driving us hard and I am glad as he is dragging me along and that is a good thing.  Today we finished 81 miles today putting us14 miles outside of Donaldsville.  Angel (note Mom I corrected the spelling) is doing a great job of finding places for us to stay meaning Andy I concentrate on covering the distance and then in the afternoon Angel shows up and saves us on the hard part of the day. 

Today within of 5 miles of starting Andy had a flat tire.  We stopped and patched the tire out and put in a new tube.  After inflating the tire and putting it back on the bike.  The tire had a bulge right at the valve stem, so we started again with my worn out tire.  We made another 33 miles Andy stopped and pointed out that the tire was leaking.  So we took it apart and patched the tire again and put in a new tube.  This patch took and lasted the rest of the day.  Andy had Angel pick up two new tires and tubes in Baton Rouge and has already rebuild the tires for tomorrow.  Andy is now giving me the gears saying that my spare tire junk, so I am taking his old front tire for my spare tire for the rest of the ride.  So after 2500 miles the rear tire I started with will be sent to the local LA dump site may it rest in peace it severed me well.

The ride today was past a lot of sugar cane fields and old plantation homes and empty fields.  The road went right along beside the levee so the view was on one side was a grass hill and flat ground on the other.  The other part of the ride was a wooded part of the road. 

Thankful for Today
I am thankful that the last patch we put on tire held and did not leak again.  That was good think and I am thankful for that.

Love and Kisses

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov 2 Day 14 After Di

We made 80 miles from Natchez so we are 10 miles outside of New Roads.
Andy said today was a perfect day for Bike Riding proving he is a complete idiot.  It rained all day and the temperature never rose above 70 degrees,
Mount Lotus Plantation Inn on the Natchez Trace.

Angle helped us cross the Mississippi this morning and followed Andy and I across the US 65.  I was happy to have her behind us as the gaps in the expansion joints were huge and they scared the crap out of me and I had to slow way down to cross them.

I wore my coat all day and that kept me dry warm and dry.  Andy never put his coat on is spite of the rain  but seemed to stay warm anyways.
Bridge that Angle helped us to cross this morning.
The aurther of the guide suggested that we would experience the Zen of biking on the road today.  All I felt was a bumping along on broken pavement with a lot very poor shoulders.  It really sucked.

On weird stuff seen today is a guy in a power wheelchair mowing his grass in his downpour of rain.

When Angle came to find us it was raining.   She saw us and tried to around around and found the should was soft and got stuck.  This freaked her out and when she finally came back to us she was pretty upset but no damage was done and she calmed quickly.  This means she experience Louisiana as only people can that get close to LA mud.

Thankful for Today
While waiting for Angle a car pulled up behind us and stopped to tell us about the problems.  In addition several cars stopped to help out Angle out and they pushed her out of the problems.  So I am thankful for the all the kindness that people in the state provide to those in need.  So here is a great call out for the help people in LA provided us today.

Love and Kisses to all
Allan, Andy and Angle

Monday, November 1, 2010

Nov 1 Day 13 after Di

Andy and the Natchez Trace behind him

A little rain fell this afternoon and I am still drying out all my biking stuff.  Andy had to wait for me at the top of hills at least 9 times so I will give him a bonus of 1 to make it an even 10.  Andy is doing well except he complained about a lack of lunch today.  We did stop and have some cookies and nuts but he thinks he wanted more. We are unfortunately in the middle of no where and lunches are hard to come by.

The route took us down 62 miles of Natchez trail to Natchez therefore for the day we covered a total of 66 miles.  The trace is a lovely road to ride as there is no commercial traffic, little car traffic and spends almost the entire ride in the woods.  Along the way Andy and I stopped at Indian mounds and an old Natchez inn that operated from 1800 to 1840 when the steam boat made walking back up the Mississippi less important.

In the last 2 days we have seen about 9 deer a couple armadillos and lots of buzzards.  Tommorrow we will start into the first section of Louisanna the last state on the ride.  I must say I am beginning to desire to see the ride finish as I am sore and tiried.  Maybe I just miss Dave.

Thankful for Today
I am thankful it did not start raining at 8 am and held off until 3 pm hopefully the predicted rain for tommorrow will be a cooperative. 

Love and Kisses

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oct 31 day whatever Even I am comfused now

We started moving early this morning to get David to the Airport for a flight home.  So that meant I got up early and had a McD breakfast and then down the road.  As we stopped north of Vicksburg Dave rode in the car to the start and then took the car to Memphis with Angle and Angle came back to get  dinner.  I will miss him we had a really good time together.
Above is a backwater of Mississippi
Andy and started off before 7:30 which is early for me but we made it as I had plenty of coffee in me.  We covered more than 70 miles stopping for a lunch at a waffle house.
Horseshoe lake
The scenery improved quite a bit today with some back water the Yazoo river and to make my life tough some hills The good news is once I had to wait for Andy but only once, (now that is unfair score keeping as I think he had to wait for me 6 or 7 times, but as with Wahoo and Hills one hill wipes out all Wahoo me waiting once whipps out all his waiting for me). This is as example of the power of the writer and him not editing me.

It looks like we finish in the next week and I still wondering what I will do after I get home.

Sorry I do have pictures just can't get them to load.

Thankful for Today
I really am thankful for the time Dave spent with me.  I wish he could have finished up with me but time just ran out. This ride would have been a lot harder without him and having him along and joking with daily made the days fly by.  So thanks Dave and thanks  Donna for sharing him with me for the last 6 weeks.

Love and kisses to all and to all a good night.
Allan and Andy and Angle

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oct 29 and Oct 30 Day 9 & 10 after DI

I am combining a couple days as things are busy and I am tired.

We reached Greenville last night and slept in a discount hotel which only cost $38 per night our cheapest spot ever.  We did enjoy the room without bugs or mice.  However the hot water only worked in the  bath tub and not in the sink.  The total distance we covered during the day was 74 miles which is why it is being posted here today.

Today Dave and I rode a total of 66 miles from Greenville to nowhere.  However with Andy joining us and Angle having a car we were picked up and are quite happy about that.  So tonight we are staying in a Super 8in Vickburgs. 

The views yesterday and today the view was all flatland and there are plenty of pictures pictures posted of cotton fields and plowed lands already posted.  Dave has not been really confortable with the locations for the last couple of nights.  First Dave is not happy about Clarksdales and was even less happy in parts of Greenville.  I now I was not happy with the drivers in the Greenville the traffic was high and people did not want to provide any space.  Dave has found that it was best to take a whole lane and hold up taffic than try to be polite and let them drivers crowd us.  One pickup truck passed us with a dog in the back and when that driver passed within 2 feets of us the dog barked right into my ear, I jumped right out of my skin.  A full size transport truck passed within an inches and sounded his horn that also caused me have clean some shorts later in the day.

Thankful for Day
I am most thankful for Andy and Angle giving up their time to come down and help me finish out the ride.  Andy is great company and Angle is driving support and that helps as we can stop anywhere and pickup the ride the next day.  So thanks for the support guys.

Love and kisses to all and good night to all.
Allan and Dave