Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Short Sunday Ride

Sunday Aug. 29
One of the students in Dianne's Tae Kwon Do school (Mark) wanted to do a long ride today and she convinced me to do it too. As I have to do some long rides it makes sense to get some time on the bike. So I put on my new bike shoes and bike pants bought last week and at 5AM off we went. The early part I was strong and felt good. But at 58 miles my water ran out, the heat increased and my butt was dragging. I got water from from Mark's friend Jeff on the ride with us and limped into the Dairy Queen at noon after doing around 60 mile. Spent about ½ an hour hydrating myself and just enjoying the air conditioning and started out again to finish up the last 14-15 miles. I did finish up but it was slow hard going but I completed the 75 mile ride, everyone on the ride looked better and were faster than me as expected and I have to thank then for waiting for me to finish up, and waiting for me along the way.
The learning from this is as I expected I am not in the same shape I was when I did the other trips, but if keep putting one foot in front of the other I will complete the task, just not as fast as I used to. I have known for a long time that heat I do not do well in and this reinforced this so on the upcoming trip I will have to watch the weather and watch for signs of heat effects. Also I have to thank all the people that provide the support for me, again this is not a new lesson but knowledge that must be remembered, many things I can no longer do alone and being willing to accept help to finish the chores is critical to finishing. I should have asked for water sooner and I might have done a little better but, in all honesty that ride was a reach for me but being more honest might have improved things. I now know I can do the distance and just have to let things recover and face the next challenage when the next test come along.
Preparation is going well. I have route more or less planned out, Dave and I will have to think and experiment during the first few days. Packing is progressing, the cooking gear is out, all my sleeping stuff is out and I have meal plan for two days. So a little more shopping, planning for clothes and some packing and checking and I should be ready.
I am feeling the normal jitters before a trip like this, worried about my capablities, something that happens before all lifes adventures. Less than two weeks and I will be off on the my next big trip.
Hope Dave is doing well.
Love and kisses

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