Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nov 4 and 5 Days LAST

Andy is a mad rider and he flies and do mean flies.  He has had to wait for me more than the 50 to 1 ratio enough times to ensure even if he did get sick again He would be up a ton of points.  Dragging along with "POKEY" old Dad must be boring as hell but he did manage to make it enjoyable for me and I hope for him we had a great time together.

So here is what has happened. 
On Thursday we had a tail wind from Donanldsonville and drove the bikes really hard.  Right up to ferry crossing we were suppose to do.  More than 50 miles in less than 4.5 hours but the ferry was closed.  The local sheriff we spoke said, "That ferry been closed for more than 3 years I do not know why anyone would send you'al to it!".  So we checked the GPS and talked to locals and decided the best solution would be to cross on I 310 into to New Orleans.  Not our  best decision of the trip but the only one we could find.  It was busy, narrow and I did not like it.  Andy liked it less !!!  When we got to the bridge part of the crossing there was shoulder construction and I was relieved a little as that opens a lane for us.  However there was so much work that the foreman said not today on the shoulder, but if you throw the bikes in the back of that truck I will drive you across.  They were in the back of that truck faster than you could say, "Good idea".  This put us across and I was thankfull and happy.  That one ride is my thankful for the day for Thursday. 

In the end we made 95 miles into New Oleans for the day,

Friday we got up early I have noticed that Andy is happy to get up and that made this easy to get distance.   Starting where we finished, just outside of the French Quarter we pushed hard and covered 100 miles to the end of the road.  Not a lot of sites along the way as  most of the ride was beside the grass hills on both sides the gulf and the river.  The ferrry on the ride today was there and it was easy.  Aside from a few crazy driver and one sheriff that almost hit me I made the distance without much to complain about.  Andy was again much faster than me and waited for me numerous times to make sure we did not get lost.  The last point to made here is that we did get lost once on a missed turn but picked it up almost at once. 

Thankful for the Ride.I am thankful for this ride and I owe a sulute to all those that supported  me on it here is a partial list.
  • Dianne for being there and helping we decide to do it and supporting me along the way. She held down the house and took care of my bills and life while I was away.
  • Dave for coming along with me.  Without you Dave I may not have had the guts to start and may not have completed.  I still miss you.
  • Donna my sister for lending Dave to me, he really saved my butt numerous times.
  • My parents for raising me teaching me to believe I can accomplish the difficult, and providing moral support during the ride.
  • Andy and Angel for spending their vacation time with me I could not have accomplished this last week with out them.
  • The doctors and staff at NIH for patching me up.
  • All my friends that provided support during the ride
Well this is starting to sound like an Acadmy award speach so I will stop now if I missed you I am sorry but I do appreciate all the help and support along the way.

Learning from the ride
  1. When Americans drink and drive they prefer bad beer.  (I mean Bud lite come on we can do better)
  2. Trash comes out of cars as often as bad beer cans.
  3. The volunteer programs to keep the road clean help areas with them are cleaner.
  4. Snakes are the most common dead animal along the road in the fall, followed by coons, and possums.  
  5. The end of the ride was in a barge terminal with out sandy beaches or great views.  Sometimes life is like that where you end up is not the most attractive spot, but it is where you are.  The journey is the key to happiness. I really enjoyed the ride, it was hard and challenging but I kept at it and found satisfaction  in doing it.  So I have no complaints about the end of the ride not being a scenic beach out in the gulf it is after all just the end of this trip and the start of another.  (What I do not know but I will think up something to do.)
What I am going to do.
I am not sure I undertook the ride in attempt to figure out what to with my life after the last surgery and job.  In the end I just figured out that life happens and that you should enjoy it as best you can and do what you can do.  I have several business things to work on and I have to get my mind into going back to NIH for scans that will a couple of days. 

Love and Kisses to all and to all a good morning.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov 3 Day 15 after Di

Andy is driving us hard and I am glad as he is dragging me along and that is a good thing.  Today we finished 81 miles today putting us14 miles outside of Donaldsville.  Angel (note Mom I corrected the spelling) is doing a great job of finding places for us to stay meaning Andy I concentrate on covering the distance and then in the afternoon Angel shows up and saves us on the hard part of the day. 

Today within of 5 miles of starting Andy had a flat tire.  We stopped and patched the tire out and put in a new tube.  After inflating the tire and putting it back on the bike.  The tire had a bulge right at the valve stem, so we started again with my worn out tire.  We made another 33 miles Andy stopped and pointed out that the tire was leaking.  So we took it apart and patched the tire again and put in a new tube.  This patch took and lasted the rest of the day.  Andy had Angel pick up two new tires and tubes in Baton Rouge and has already rebuild the tires for tomorrow.  Andy is now giving me the gears saying that my spare tire junk, so I am taking his old front tire for my spare tire for the rest of the ride.  So after 2500 miles the rear tire I started with will be sent to the local LA dump site may it rest in peace it severed me well.

The ride today was past a lot of sugar cane fields and old plantation homes and empty fields.  The road went right along beside the levee so the view was on one side was a grass hill and flat ground on the other.  The other part of the ride was a wooded part of the road. 

Thankful for Today
I am thankful that the last patch we put on tire held and did not leak again.  That was good think and I am thankful for that.

Love and Kisses

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov 2 Day 14 After Di

We made 80 miles from Natchez so we are 10 miles outside of New Roads.
Andy said today was a perfect day for Bike Riding proving he is a complete idiot.  It rained all day and the temperature never rose above 70 degrees,
Mount Lotus Plantation Inn on the Natchez Trace.

Angle helped us cross the Mississippi this morning and followed Andy and I across the US 65.  I was happy to have her behind us as the gaps in the expansion joints were huge and they scared the crap out of me and I had to slow way down to cross them.

I wore my coat all day and that kept me dry warm and dry.  Andy never put his coat on is spite of the rain  but seemed to stay warm anyways.
Bridge that Angle helped us to cross this morning.
The aurther of the guide suggested that we would experience the Zen of biking on the road today.  All I felt was a bumping along on broken pavement with a lot very poor shoulders.  It really sucked.

On weird stuff seen today is a guy in a power wheelchair mowing his grass in his downpour of rain.

When Angle came to find us it was raining.   She saw us and tried to around around and found the should was soft and got stuck.  This freaked her out and when she finally came back to us she was pretty upset but no damage was done and she calmed quickly.  This means she experience Louisiana as only people can that get close to LA mud.

Thankful for Today
While waiting for Angle a car pulled up behind us and stopped to tell us about the problems.  In addition several cars stopped to help out Angle out and they pushed her out of the problems.  So I am thankful for the all the kindness that people in the state provide to those in need.  So here is a great call out for the help people in LA provided us today.

Love and Kisses to all
Allan, Andy and Angle

Monday, November 1, 2010

Nov 1 Day 13 after Di

Andy and the Natchez Trace behind him

A little rain fell this afternoon and I am still drying out all my biking stuff.  Andy had to wait for me at the top of hills at least 9 times so I will give him a bonus of 1 to make it an even 10.  Andy is doing well except he complained about a lack of lunch today.  We did stop and have some cookies and nuts but he thinks he wanted more. We are unfortunately in the middle of no where and lunches are hard to come by.

The route took us down 62 miles of Natchez trail to Natchez therefore for the day we covered a total of 66 miles.  The trace is a lovely road to ride as there is no commercial traffic, little car traffic and spends almost the entire ride in the woods.  Along the way Andy and I stopped at Indian mounds and an old Natchez inn that operated from 1800 to 1840 when the steam boat made walking back up the Mississippi less important.

In the last 2 days we have seen about 9 deer a couple armadillos and lots of buzzards.  Tommorrow we will start into the first section of Louisanna the last state on the ride.  I must say I am beginning to desire to see the ride finish as I am sore and tiried.  Maybe I just miss Dave.

Thankful for Today
I am thankful it did not start raining at 8 am and held off until 3 pm hopefully the predicted rain for tommorrow will be a cooperative. 

Love and Kisses

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oct 31 day whatever Even I am comfused now

We started moving early this morning to get David to the Airport for a flight home.  So that meant I got up early and had a McD breakfast and then down the road.  As we stopped north of Vicksburg Dave rode in the car to the start and then took the car to Memphis with Angle and Angle came back to get  dinner.  I will miss him we had a really good time together.
Above is a backwater of Mississippi
Andy and started off before 7:30 which is early for me but we made it as I had plenty of coffee in me.  We covered more than 70 miles stopping for a lunch at a waffle house.
Horseshoe lake
The scenery improved quite a bit today with some back water the Yazoo river and to make my life tough some hills The good news is once I had to wait for Andy but only once, (now that is unfair score keeping as I think he had to wait for me 6 or 7 times, but as with Wahoo and Hills one hill wipes out all Wahoo me waiting once whipps out all his waiting for me). This is as example of the power of the writer and him not editing me.

It looks like we finish in the next week and I still wondering what I will do after I get home.

Sorry I do have pictures just can't get them to load.

Thankful for Today
I really am thankful for the time Dave spent with me.  I wish he could have finished up with me but time just ran out. This ride would have been a lot harder without him and having him along and joking with daily made the days fly by.  So thanks Dave and thanks  Donna for sharing him with me for the last 6 weeks.

Love and kisses to all and to all a good night.
Allan and Andy and Angle

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oct 29 and Oct 30 Day 9 & 10 after DI

I am combining a couple days as things are busy and I am tired.

We reached Greenville last night and slept in a discount hotel which only cost $38 per night our cheapest spot ever.  We did enjoy the room without bugs or mice.  However the hot water only worked in the  bath tub and not in the sink.  The total distance we covered during the day was 74 miles which is why it is being posted here today.

Today Dave and I rode a total of 66 miles from Greenville to nowhere.  However with Andy joining us and Angle having a car we were picked up and are quite happy about that.  So tonight we are staying in a Super 8in Vickburgs. 

The views yesterday and today the view was all flatland and there are plenty of pictures pictures posted of cotton fields and plowed lands already posted.  Dave has not been really confortable with the locations for the last couple of nights.  First Dave is not happy about Clarksdales and was even less happy in parts of Greenville.  I now I was not happy with the drivers in the Greenville the traffic was high and people did not want to provide any space.  Dave has found that it was best to take a whole lane and hold up taffic than try to be polite and let them drivers crowd us.  One pickup truck passed us with a dog in the back and when that driver passed within 2 feets of us the dog barked right into my ear, I jumped right out of my skin.  A full size transport truck passed within an inches and sounded his horn that also caused me have clean some shorts later in the day.

Thankful for Day
I am most thankful for Andy and Angle giving up their time to come down and help me finish out the ride.  Andy is great company and Angle is driving support and that helps as we can stop anywhere and pickup the ride the next day.  So thanks for the support guys.

Love and kisses to all and good night to all.
Allan and Dave

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oct 28 Day 8 after Di

As there are no pictures from yesterday here are a couple today.
Dave still talks about the Kudsu so here is his picture of me coming up the final part of the trail.
Here is a picture of the Mississippi from the crossing yesterday into West Memphis
Here the actual view of the bridge from a Bike.
Enough stuff from yesterday. 

This morning I was really upset when my stocking tore apart while I finally getting them up.  I am too upset about the lost just the 10 minutes I spent getting them almost on and then having to start all over again.  Breakfast was at a Sonics drive in resturant as the town did not a better spot to eat. 

With the wind behind we covered the 35 miles to Hellena AK before lunch time and the down town section was still closed so rode around and looked at the all the old homes.  Some of them were cool but if you missed the high class area by a couple of blocks and you were in the less acceptable parts of the town.  Here is a picture of one of the nicer homes.
Dave and I discussed our options for the day and we finally decided to move on even though it commited us to moving at least another 30 miles.  So off we went to the US 49 and crossed over to the river on the bridge below.
So we kept up the rate and finished the ride into Clarksdale MS covering a total distance of 61 miles.  With the wind behind us covering the distance much easier.  Most of the scenery was a repeat of flatland as yesterday.  The only exceptions were in the town where the challenge was find areas where Dave would be "willing to stop to tie his shoe", and some hills that where the challenge was to get my breath back. 

In Clarksdale when Dave finally found a Package store where he felt we could stop to resupply the bourbon whiskey.  We asked the seller about Hotels and Motels his parting words were, "don't leave anything outside that expect to find 5 minutes later".  The drivers are best discribed as crazed fools, Dave addes some other discribtors in front of the crazed.  Only two of the cars did I really want to catch and pound on the roof.  Once we stopped and tried to walk across the street and twice cars cut David off while pushing his bike. I suppect that the rules of "driving for Al" changed to include some partial points for grazing Dave. 

Thankful for Today
The wind blowing from the Northwest is something to be thankful for.  But I was not looking foreward the bridge crossing.  When we got the enterance the traffic was heavy and the cars did not yeild much of the right lane to us.  But at the top the road became a one lane for consturction.  The none driving lane was blocked off and Dave and I took that all the way across with our own lane and I was happy and thankful for that.

Love and Kisses to all and to all good night.
Allan and Dave

Oct 27

Oct 27 Day 7 after Dianne

This' morning was a Super 8 motel breakfast that is not a super way to start the day. Two guy about our age come in and ask if we are riding bikes and we say yes. Th'ey then ask where to and we said New Orleans and we started at Lake Itasa. They then told us about their three week ride from Prescott to Memphis. We then spent about half an hour exchanging stories about the ride.

Then David and I started out. As the fellow rider had the day off they came out and reviewed our gear and they indicated that they thought we were fairly compact, I take that as a compliment. The start of the day was the most interesting part it more stupidity just like yesterday. A dog walking in the park chased us for a short period of time. Then we walked up the hill to the I55 bridge and started across the walkway on the side. I was not too happy 'about this as the bridge shakes with the trucks, the wind was blowing and there is trash all over the place I am trying to avoid. At the end of the bridge we walk down the embankment and spent the next 30 minutes going back up embakment and getting on and off the highways. The directions being off a little bit on the milage did not make this chase any easier.

Once out of West Memphis the day became as dull as dirt (Dave's Quote) all we saw as flat plowed land and lots of it. There were a couple of tractors and not much traffic. Lunch was in Hughes AK and we ate hamburger just across from the High School there were great.

One thing that is different here is trash. I have given up counting as it would be infinite the people here seem to lack a dump and they just throw the stuff out on the road. Dave has taken to adding dump site to the end of all wildlife refuge site we see.

After riding 58 miles we are at Marianna AK staying in what is best discribed as a “bonus motel” as it is not listed in the book. Looks like we will make the distance to Greenville before Andy and Angle arrive.

Thankful for Today
I admimit although it is a small thing I am grateful for all the people that pick up trash on the side of the road as it makes the country a lot better. So thanks to all those people that do not litter and even a bigger thank you to all those that pick the stuff up.
Love and Kisses to all and to all goodnight

Allan and Dave

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oct 26 day 7 after Di

When we woke up this morning it was just a little chilly out.  I went up front at the Super 8 for a poor breakfast.  As I drinking my coffee it I noticed that the flag was pointing due north (and were to go due South).  The weather channel said, "sever weather worning, tornodo worning and winding worning" for the day.  This did not stop us, and we finished breakfast (just cearal and honey buns with coffed and fruit, not as good as it sounds) and were ready to leave.  Just then it poured not just rain but a falling lake, Dave suggest more coffee and I readly agreed.
At 9:00 it had changed to just a light downpour.  So off we went.  At 11:00 AM we reached the town of Coveingtown, and as the breakfast we had was already digested and used, we decided  to stop.  Dave kept saying it looked like it was clearing.  During lunch the ocean started to fall again so had a second cup of tea and kept praying for clearing skies.  Finally it was just a light downpour and we started out again. 
The drizzle stopped about 2 so we finally started to dry out.  About 4 I finally started to believe the rain would stop and took off the styling blue coat. 
At 5 pm we were in Memphis and discussing sleeping arrangement for the night.  Remember we are wet dry and very tiried, but more importantly cheap so all the downtown hotels were out.  After discussing this problem we agreed to go to AK for the night only a short 4 miles more. 
Dolly Parton bridge in Memphis.

The first problem was when the bike path ended.  We then cycled up to a church and started our search for a "primitive path".  After trying to follow a drainage ditch down to the Mississippi Dave humor seemed to be a slipping along with his bike that almost slipped into the river.  We then back tracked to the church and searched a little higher and were sort of rewarded.  We followed this &(^%$ questionable path.  At first it was bad quickly becoming #$&^% horrorible!!!.  The Kudzu began to grow around Dave bike and ankles, he then seemed to have lost his sense of humor.  I am fairly sure of this as when he finally passed his bike under a fallen tree he seem to look back at me and snire and giggle that my bike would not fit under.  He continued on in disgust, without looking back, and seemed not to care about me making it.  When I saw him lifting his bike over the next dead fall he started to mumble a lot, and think I heard him suggest that it would difficult to find me in this growth.  Once out it only took 20 minutes to clean all the growth that Dave successfully dragged with roots off the trail.  I feel we cut back the growth hiding the trail so long as someone comes though in the next day it will be easy to follow.  I sure hope the *!!!@@##$ idoit has a more sense than to send us more &^%$# like this.
  Really is this a trail?? What kind of a fool would put a bike though this stuff?  Better question is who would follow directions to drag his bike though this.
View of the river from the path.

Thankful for Today
While the rain was falling I was glad it was not as windy as when the before the rain started.  Then when the rain started while I was having lunch I thankful we had decided to stop for a break.  It was then that I realized that I was really thankful for all the days we have had without rain up to today.

Love and Kisses

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oct 25 day 6 after Di

Going to a short a post today I am exhausted.  We covered a total of 65 miles to put us into Ripley tonight in a Super 8 Motel.

The wind was still in our face for the whole day.  It was the worse when we came done SH 181 for 24 miles.  We were not fast and manage to stay at a constant speed of 8.5 miles.  Never faster but it was level the whole time and although I tried all the low gears the bike would not go any faster.  It took three hours to finish that part of the ride. 
Here is a picture of this section of the road
And here is picture of cotton blowing in the wind along the route.

Then the flat stuff ended and the route "got serious about routing us off the beaten path, onto narrow and hilly country".  This quote was quite correct and my legs were done at 55 miles and I found several hills that were very comfortable walks up. 

Thankful for Today
The new word for problem today was dogs.  Until  today we had very few dogs that chased us but that ended today.  We were chased 4 times during the days.  I spayed two with water bottles, out ran one and threw stones at one.  Dave picked up a small piece of plastic that made a neat woos when he swung it and that kept a couple off him.  So in the end I am thankful that up to now all the dogs have been tied up and none of the dogs caught me today. 

Oct 23 and Oct24

Check below for the 24th as I did not Wifi for the last 2 days

Oct 23 Day 4 After Di

I went to bed right after dinner and slept so soundly Dave watching TV did not even wake me. In fact Dave claims he turned the TV up so hear the show over my snoring.

This morning Dave discovered that a mouse or something else got into our food pack. Funny how all this trip with all the camping we have done without problems but in a hotel the food was raided. I have to agree with David the the hotel was a new low for us and the room did look better in the dark maybe that is why the draps were pinned closed and half the lights did not work well.
Here is a picture of the Motel with mice.

After a good breakfast at Macks we stoped in the old manson part of the town and toured one of the homes built in 1869. Grant was a friend of the family as he had bought hard tack from the ower so after his world tour he stopped in for a visit. The house had 8000 sq ft of space and was huge,

At breakfast we talked with the local fire chief and told that bridge into MO was no better than the Bridge into KY so after we reviewed both bridges we decided he was right and elected to go over the KY bridge. It was a little scarey but not too horrible we stopped once to let a truck go by after.

On the far side in Wiekliff we stopped for BBQ. Then on down the road fighting a strong head wind. This meant by the time we reached Columbus we were done for the day. Not really finished but both Dave and felt that attempting another 30 miles to the next campground was not going to happen so we called it a day.

For the second time in three days I felt. On Thursday while searching for a campsite in Trail of Tears state park Iattempted to turn around and when I reached the crown of the road found out my legs were done for the day and did not have the push for the turn. So I fell right in the middle of the road. Dave ran to help me up but no cars were coming so I justt injured my pride. Today after entering KY I was swearing at the rummble strips on the side of the road and they stuck back. On a steep hill cimb where I am not going too fast I hit the damn things on my left side over corrected and hit the guard rail on my right side and stopped dead in my tracks. Then fell over onto the road, again Dave ran back to help me up but know it is not a good idea to lie in the middle of any hyway for a long period of time was getting up already. This tiime my elbow that was just healed over is again covered in road rash.

So in summary I dropped my chain 3 time and fell once and had to climb a lot of hills and that just makes me grummpy. Dave has suggested I must be feeling a little better as I threaten to kill him a couple times for teasing me.

Thankful for Today

I am thankful no big trucks were coming when I fell over this afternoon. I am also thankful that Dave was there to help me up although I was moving as soon as I fell it is still nice to see an arm reaching toward you then. In addition I am very very gratefull I did not fall on that damn bridge which had even less space to recover from such supidity.

Love to all and to all Good night.
Allan and Dave

Oct 24 day 5 after Di

The word for today was windy if you stopped for a minute the wind blew you back. The only thing what would make the day better is if all the restuants listed for lunch by the book were closed. So to be evcn happier without lunch it rained on us. Still I was cheerfull and laughed things off. Next came the hail this made the just about perfect day. Just after we left Kentucy we passed a home with 4 kid doing target practice in the backyard parallel to road. They fired more than 20 shots as we passed Dave suggested the being hit by a ricoche woulld make the perfect cap for the day. But the day still had more postive stuff to give us as my rear tire completely wore though and needed to be replaced tonight. As the day just kept getting better the only resturant did not sell alcohol on Sunday. Some days just keep getting better.and better. As the joke goes cheer up things could be worse so I cheered up and sure enough things got worse.

As long as we are discussing the rain today Dave and I discussed the rain as it approached. First I suggested it was raining to the south and Dave said we would past the shower before it got to us. Famous last words. However I made the next stupid comment as a few minute latter Dave stopped and starting puttin on his coat. I asked why he said look at all that rain heading right for us. I then said is not that just some “dust” when Dave stopped laughing he started putting on his rain cap. Being slow I did get a “little wet”.

Sunset from Yesterdays campsite in Columbus KY

Above is plantation home just outside of Hickman KY. 
I did manage to stay upright all day today but there were a few doubtful second about doing this. The first one was coming to a stop at a top of a hill to catch my breath. As the bike stops so fast with a headwind I stuggled to get the foot unclipped in time but stayed up. The second time I going down hill towards an intersection in Hickman I noticed that it was a four way stop but as one way was up a steep hill most cars were rolling stoppes at best. I came to the intersection I notice a car coming up I felt it best to stop, Again it was a fast stop and planted my right foot but the bike rolled towards me and when I finally got my foot down it almost landed on the right and had to stutter step to remain up right. Final example of my great riding ability in Hickman again I missed a turn going up a steep hill I stopped short to make the turn the right foot was planted wheel turned and bike started to roll back down the hill and wheel turned backwards trapping my front leg between the frame and wheel, trying to trip me, but I managed to keep my balance for the third close call.

We finally stopped in either Samburg or Tiptonville depending on who you believe as to where the hotel is. The book claims it is Samburge and the map claimes the other but both agree we are close to Reelfoot Lake.

Tankful for Today
Today after I got the new blue coat on I discovered it was both warm and dry, all that styling too. So I grateful for the being dry, warm and upright all day.

Love and kisses to all and to all good night.
Allan and Dave.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oct 21 & 22 day 2 after Di

Turns out that Chester where we stayed on the 20 was the home of POPEYE and his gang.  We did not take any pictures but they  will have fall spinach festival next year so all the kids my age can come back and see their hero's duke it out.

Yesterday we zipped along at good rates with the wind to our backs.   But I woke up with a sore legs from the ride the day before.  So I took some Tylenol and started out at lunch I still feeling a little under the weather and took some more and that seem to clear things up.  Dave said he could tell I was not feeling well as I was less annoying than normal.  Not sure about that but I will take being a better person anytime I can.  So from now on I will hit my head on a wall in the morning to be less annoying and thereby make Dave stay a little better.

Lunch at small town of Neunert was OK not great as it was fried chicken.  Dave has asked if everything in Southern Illinois is deep fat fried.   I said he had a deep fried Hot dog so yes. 

After we cycled 58 miles we stopped in the Trail of Tears State park in Illinois and the experience was a little different.  The campsites are all primitive with no running water.  As we did not know this we were just a little short.  All that experience on trail paid off as we had enough for dinner and breakfast.  The sites are removed from the road so we saw deer and heard what I believe were wolf howling maybe only coyotes but what the heck it was cool. 

Today we did 45 miles to Cairo and stopped in the Belveder motel.  The room is dark but clean and all the stuff works sort of so for the price it is OK.  But I think a Demolition Derby parking lot would be nicer.  (yes I am still resentful)

At a small town called Tamms we stopped for lunch of pizza and were greeted by the official bicycle greeter who is going to buy an elliptical glide bicycle that you ride standing up.  My butt would appreciate that.

I really must apology to Dave as my butt is dragging the last two days I hope to feel more energized tomorrow, that means I can start complaining more again.

Thankful for the Day
We stopped at a the top of a hill to catch our breath.  While waiting a young girl came  running down to hill to offer water so I must say I am grateful for generosity of people.   

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oct 20 Day 1 after Di

Got to be quick here as the blog site will go down soon today to fix the image posting system.

Here is a snap shot taken yesterday.  Please vote who is more styling the red coat or blue coat.  Unless you thing I am cute please ignore personal appearance.   If you vote red you can vote once only if you vote blue vote often and have a drink after each vote (so you can forgot you voted before), remember the blue coat was for the demolition derby campsite. 
 OK here is the boat ranch on the river we found yesterday check out the Cadillac ranch from Di and my trip.

Here is a Lewis and Clark canoe and the Keel boat they started out with I would not take either of them but that is me. 

OK enough history.

Di dropped Dave and I off in Valmeyer this morning and we found the route we took a week ago.  It was a little further south than I wanted to be but I was lost (as normal and we missed the stop point originally selected).  We found the route again and took off.  No beer can count today as we counted this section before and we did not want to double count. 

We covered 45 miles to the town Chester the route was flat and smooth and therefore fast.  We stopped at the Pierre Menard home build in 1818.  The town surrounding the home is gone but the home is still standing here is a picture of it. 

We stopped at the Best Western Hotel and I am a little hopeful for a better breakfast tomorrow morning than the last couple of days.  On the upside we had a good lunch so maybe things are working out.

Thankful for Today
Dave has suggested we should be thankful for good friend.  Some examples are Dianne that has put up with Dave and me for the last couple of days.  Paul and Crystra who helped solve problems allowing Dave the freedom to support me on this difficult trip.  Thanks again Donna for lending Dave.  Thank Dianne for visiting and giving Dave a break from me (he might still kill me but I believe I gained at least a couple of days.)

Love and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
Allan and Dave.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oct 19 Day28

OK so I really do not know how long Dave & I have been out so I will just start counting as Day 1 after Dianne's Visit tomorrow and all this confusion can just go away (one problem solved)

This morning the Super 8 breakfast was even weaker than yesterday's and that was not a good thing.  We left the hotel early and drove to Colombia and did another section of the Katy trail 40 mile in fact.  The ride was flat, fast and scenic.  All the restaurants in the section of the trail are closed and that meant no second breakfast, donuts or coffee.  We just hoped back on the bikes and headed start back for the car.

On the ride back we stopped to help two fellow out for a day ride without a spare tube  that fit the tires they were riding.  I supplied the tube did work and I supervised the fix.  Always best to supervise the work as all the people that know Al know not to provide him with tools.  (OK laugh away all you want I have changed tires this trip and Dave knows that, so I can work with tools on simple jobs.)

Next we drove down to St. Charles and the Lewis and Clark boathouse.  The had a video of the voyage of the discovery and also some interesting  artifacts from the time.  Then we walked down to full size replica of the boats they used.  The lightest example they had was a 3 ton dug out canoe that I could lift at all.  I am glad I did not try to take that down the Mississippi I would still be paddling. 

During the ride today we saw 3 deer and fox.  Dianne said they were more interesting that beer cans.  On other weird things we saw pair of underwear hanging in a tree, a mattress and box spring.  On strange trail things we experienced rumble strips right in the  bike lane.  Kind of says welcome bikers but go home. 

Pictures to follow.

Thankful for Today
I am still glad Dianne has come down for a visit it has been a relaxing couple of days and the brake from the hard biking has done me good.  So thanks for coming down and supporting me.
Love you

Monday, October 18, 2010

Oct 18 Day 28

Dianne has informed me that I am still screwing up the date and count if this bothers, use a perment marker on the screen and correct it on your monitor.  Send me that picture and I will then correct it on the blog.

On to the more important topic of Daves hotdog.  Saturday Dave order a hotdog at the resturant pictured below in Treloar.  We waited and then waited, then waited and finally his hotdog appeared.  Dave took one  bite and and said the outside was hot and inside was still frozen and had the texture of rubber.  (He routinely chews rubber of the tires so is an expert on this texture issue.)  He sent it back and we spent the next 30 minutes waiting and waiting as we watched being boiled in oil.  When it came it was grilled with the hamburgers for the period (I assume to add flavor).  Then it was placed in front of Dave, (it did look a little brown) and he took a bite.  I promise you it was not cool in the center, in fact I think hot might be the discription (Dave has suggested it was approaching solar surface temperature, his sense of taste is currently returning).

We are currently in Booneville and had dinner in the casino an all you could eat prime rib Sunday dinner.  They lost money feeding me and Dave, they might have broken even on Dianne. 
Today we did a short ride 30 miles total to the only tunnel on the Katy trail in Rockport where we had second breakfast.  Then we went sight seeing and had a relaxing afternoon.  Here are pictures of the last few days. 

 Dave at Rockport tunnel

Thankful for Today
I am still thankful for Dianne it has been fun riding along with her and clowning around with her.  (However she is still suggesting that bowling for Al is an acceptable game, although due to a lack of hills on the Katy we have not tried this sport out.)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oct 14, 15 and 16

Day 27
We left the hotel early and crossed the road to MacDonald for breakfast.  The place was crowded and but the service was fast.  One of the first things that made the stop noticeable for David was the fact that they got the order correct a first for David on this trip in McD's.  As soon as we had the food a Red Head ask us where we were headed.  We explained it and she was so pleased she introduced us to the regulars and 30 people greeted us and made inquires as to where we from and what we had seen.  Hopefully some of them will follow the blog.

Dave and I followed the directions though St. Louis with out problems.  There are however, problems with the book directions some of the turns were labeled backwards, or incorrectly as turns when it is more of straight through, and distances are a little messed up.  With all this said there is enough information to get through the city.

The route took us right in front of the Casino boat that Dianne and I took out at  during the Mississippi River paddle trip.

Dianne called and was at the Chain of Rock bridge a little early.  So rather than just sitting down and waiting she took her bike off the car and started down the river towards us.  Sure enough she found us and we rode back to the car together.

Once back together we took off for St. Charles MO.  The chosen route was up the river past Alton to Grafton and then ferry ride across the river.  The view on this road is great and brought back all the memories of the canoe trip.

Saturday we  started the Katy  Trail Ride by driving out 60 miles dropping the car and biking back to St. Charles.  We finished back in town just before 5 and I glad Dave knew where the hotel was as he saved us a couple miles of riding in town.

Sunday we rode back out to the car.  The views from the trail are fantastic, with Huge bluffs on one side and the river on the other side.  The trail is busy with most people being polite and sharing space, there were one or two rides that had no idea of how to ride single file and they crowded trail while talking with their companion.  The big attractions appear to be brew pubs and wine tasting stops along the way.  Another interesting note is early in the morning the serious riders and runner are out.  Somewhere around 11:00 this changes to the weekenders who are out for a short slower rides.  For me this means in the morning the bikers are whizzing by and in the afternoon I am trying to pass the slower weekend sightseers.

On another note when did Dianne get so fast on the bike, I know I used to be faster than her.  Not now she zips up the hills with out stopping, often rides way up front, stops gets off waits for me and takes a picture, then hops one and catch up to repeat at will.  All I can say is that I have no hope of keeping up and I am considering attaching myself to her bike. 

Thankful for Today
I am glad Dianne is here (even though is faster than me, at one stop I told the waitress to switch her to decaf but even that did not help.)  She has resupplied my blood pressure med and antibiotics, as well as underwear and compression hose.  I guess as I said at the end of the book I am lucky to have her and should be grateful.

Love and Kisses and to all good night.
Allan and Dave.

PS Pictures will be posted later I am too tired to do it tonight.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oct 14 Day 26

After a delightful breakfast at the St. Genevieve Huddle house David and I took off site seeing in the town.  This town was founded by the french in 1735 and then transferred to Spain, and eventually sold to America.  Many of the original home are still standing and we toured 4 of them.  David also could not resist stopping at a local Antique Mall and looking as stuff. 
Houses we visited

It was therefore just after noon when we started to go north.  This might have been a mistake as it was very windy and it directly in our face.  After 2 hours of work Dave suggested we stop for lunch.  I had elk burger which was great.  The bartender verified our can count by telling us the most popular brand.  We then than started north again and it once we while going down hill I found I had to be in low granny gear and was still having a hard time getting down.  It sucked and after covering only 30 miles we gave up for the day and stopped at an old Rt 66 Motel.

Motel ranking, today is steep up as the room does not have peeling paint under the window.

Beer Can count
Total yesterday just under a total of 90 cans with Bud lite winning the count with a total 58 while Miller Lite can in next at 45, Best lite came in 3rd having only 25 cans, making good appearance were Keystone lite, full regular beer reach a respectable total of 27 cans.  New to the count were 4 miniature bottles now that is real drinking.  No full size bottles thought.

For those following the woolly caterpillar count, the right to left moving group is still slightly ahead of the left to right moving group, over the whole trip by  just 2. 

Thankful for Today
I am thankful for Dave saving me today by telling me of a car turning into me.  I checked my new mirror and saw a bumper moving directly into me.  I turned away from the car and was thankful I did not hit red neck driving the damn thing.  So I glad I do have that run down feeling this afternoon and grateful for David yelling out.  If I had hit that car I would have been so upset I would have had to yell at the guy for at least day.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oct 13 Day 26

Yes I was a little grumpy last night and but after a few hits I did finally feel better.  I had a good night sleep and it was quite, however breakfast it was not up to standard as it was just some bagels and cereals. Lunch then was just some corn nuts and Swiss Rolls with coffee so dinner was Mexican that just barely  made up for the rest of the food during the day.  I am now having some whiskey and I think I might live.
Bluff south of St. Louis on the IL side of the river.

After leaving Collinsvilles we started a long run down some bike paths into Granite City.  Once in Granite City a Police car stopped and asked what the heck we were doing there.  We told him we off to New Orleans and explained the route we were taking  and he just looked at us like we were crazy.  But did confirm the direction we were going.  After another 5 miles meaning we went 20 miles the trail finally appeared before us.  The first step was to go 2.3 miles on State Highway 3 to East Louis.  This really required us to go 3.4 miles to the 9th street turn not signed in East St. Louis.  When David and I stopped and thought about the where we were, an unmarked police car passed us by and stopped just in front of us.  We rode up to car and passed in our direction.  The officer just shook his head and asked if this was a published route, we told him yes and he just shook his head again.  He then said we, "We might interesting at 10th street if the girls were working and it would best if we were out of by dark!!!"   We did get out of town without any problems although David did a little nervous about the industrial part of town but felt better after the Swiss Rolls and coffee.

The stop for the Swiss Roll stop was most interesting for a couple reasons.  The one armed bandits in the gas station and the customer (male) that arrived in pajama bottoms pulled down to his upper thighs displaying a pair of boxer shorts. 

The tail wind today was great and we covered 76 miles total and reached St. Genevieve MO, crossing over the Mississippi River at Modoc IL.  I like crossing the river on a ferry as reminds me of paddling down the river.
River from ferry when crossing river at Modoc

Once in town we toured the downtown build in 1790.  Our plan was to sleep at the downtown Hotel but that did not happen as it was closed today.  We therefore  peddled another mile to Triangle Motel, not a bad place to stay if you do not mind peeling paint and smoking rooms, with the benefit of cheap rooms and being close to town.

Thankful for today
David said on this section today the only answer is, "northwest wind gusting to 100 mph when traveling southeast".  Hopefully as we are planing to go north to meet the Dianne that wind stops blowing.  I am thankful for Dianne coming down to say hi.

Love and Kisses to all and to all good night.
Allan and David

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oct 12 Day 25

OK I did notice that I am not clear on the date for the last couple of days.  I have tried in retospect to fix the problem, but if the day count of the date is still wrong tough luck!!!  I just don't care I am having my drink tonight, so if you do not like it then just pensil the correction on your screen when you find the error. 

So that brings us to what happened today so let me get started.  We got up rode a long distance had a lite lunch.  Fixed a bike, bought more gear, got lost and did some site seeing, found a hotel as it looks like rain, had dinner and went to bed.  Just about what we do every day.

Is that good enough for you all? 
Dave said it need more detail, so here it is. 
  • Lost another pair of underwear while dressing this morning so I needed to buy some more before Dianne can resupply from home. (BAD)
  • Road and bike path out of Alton was excellent, running along the top of the levee.  (except for the part that was gravel and that sucked)(Balanced)
  • Lewis and Clark spot was closed.  (BAD)
  • Dave made fun of my poor map reading ability (BAD)
  • Walmart open and they had the underwear. (LUCKY, but  I hate Walmart)
  • Dave's bike fixed at Breese Bike and he did an EXCELLENT job, Dave has lost his mystory shift and clunking noises. (Good)
  • I added a mirror, cargo net and new sun glasses to gear bag. (Good stuff Bad as spending money)
  • DQ was closed (sign was up and as I had plans for this for lunch it made me ticked off, so BAD)
  • Had donuts for  lunch (JUST STUPID)
  • Stopped and saw Cahokia mounds (Really Good site seeing)
  • Got lost finding Super 8 in Collinsville IL(had Super 8 breakfast this morning and it looks the same tomorrow NOT GREAT)
  • Had dinner at Pondarosa all you can eat place. (OK)
  • Then had to fight with hotels for this weekend rate (BAD, BAD, BAD, Dave says have more whiskey Al)
OHHH OK some other interesting stuff.
Meet a really nice at breakfast, he served in the navy for 30 years from 45-68 in active duty, then overseas as a consultant.  He and wife was coming home from the reunion for the battle ship he served on.  Turn out his daughter moved to Alton and he now lives outside of Fredrickburg and was driving home. 
Confluence tower next to trail

Next Cahokia and it was great.  When Dianne and I saw them this  summer I was impressed and this time  I am even more impressed and the site is still great.
Part  of the mounds park.
Grateful for Today
I am grateful for Breese Bike shop as he found the problem with David's bike and David will no long complain about not having 5th gear, and the clunking was not fun either.  Way to go Breese, even better Breese told Dave he has to remove some of the excess oil on his chain, and become more like me!  In short Oil less goop zero!!! 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oct 11 Day 24

Stayed up last night and visited with a short distance biker who biked to the campsite and then back home today.  I hope he enjoyed the weather as  it just perfect today.

We started a little late after several cups of coffee and pancakes with jams.  David really preferred the pancakes with strawberry preserves rather than  strawberry jelly.  He is just picky I did notice it did not change the amount he ate he just complained a little less than normal about the jam today.

For entertainment this morning we watched the other campers.  Some sat outside and apparently where trying to preserve themselves by sitting if front of  smoking ashes.  Another couple fought while emptying the waste out of the RV.  I am sure if I used that tone of voice around Dianne I would not see the foot that would blacken both eyes.  Dave felt Donna would more tolerant only making light contact with a small hammer to the head.  Finally one of the camper tried to get water out of the ground pump, the delivered water hose him down and washed his car 20 feet away.  Not sure what his wife had to say about the soaking he took.  Lots of people were eating cold breakfasts while I sat back and enjoyed a third cup of hot coffee.
David in front from the cliffs

The route took us though Grafton to Alton today along Highway 100 and  the beautiful limestone cliffs right beside the River. 
Cliff face at Alton pictograph of winged demon. 

At Alton we stopped for the day.  Dave wants to find a bike shop to fix a squeak on his bike.  Me I just wanted to rest.  So we had big lunch at MAC's OTB bar and rode up to the Super 8 to rest and consider next steps in the coming days.

Thankful for the Day
Just before lunch we saw 3 ladies consulting about a bicycle.  Dave and I stopped and offered to help out.  They seemed pleased, I supervised while Dave worked.  It did made me fell be good to help someone else and I think Dave felt useful too.  In a way it is us paying back all the people that have helped us out.

Love and Kisses to all and to all Cheers (we have our evening shot)
Allan and David

Oct 10 and Day 23

Oct. 10 Day 23

Sleeping in the Nursing home was OK until in the middle of the night I woke up and saw the curtain tracks on the roof. In combination with David snoring it gave me flash backs to the being in NIH and sharing a room with people. I then had recurring dreams of Nurses and Dave getting up to tranfer stuff to my bike.

Some of the flooded river.

We left and biked down the west side of IL and it was a little hilly requireing me to get off the bike several times and walk up the steepest parts. On the plus sides going down we hit 33 plus a on several making thee ride much faster. When my bike hits 33 the helmet floats off my head and I start to get nervous, this results in me pumping the brakes. Dave never passes me that is how I know it is not Andy I am riding with as he would zip right on pass and be gone before I saw hey whats up.

Limestone cliffs south of Graffton

On the steeper slopes Dave has developed a new game, bowling with nuts for a nut. What he does is rush to the top of the hill and finds black walnuts. Then the rolls them down the hill and tries to hit me or my bike. A strike is a direct hit worth 2 points and spares are glancing hits worth 1 point and a miss is minus one. For those interested in the score is currently up plus 5. I am just happy he is not throwing the nuts directly at me.

In Brussels we found a small little bakeshop called Bliss. They had a sign claiming homemade icecream. So we stopped to try sample. I had a small pint of butterfinger, Dave went with chocolate chip mint but appearently he did not like it much and had a second pint of vanalla and it disappeared very quickly. I saw him considering a third pint and eyeing the pumpkin pie. (I had to wipe the drool off the displace case)

Also for those who are interested in just how crazy I am about camping we asked the host here in the park just north of Graffton IL if he had to make the choice we needed to yesterday, camping at the Demolation Derby or riding on to an uncertain future which he would choose. He voted with David, I am hopeing that Di sides with me on this or else I could loss standing as someone capable of selecting an acceptable campsite. Please send supporting votes for Allan in the comment section those voting for Dave please email me directly so they are not public.

OK beer can tally today, just so you know Bud and Natural Lite are very popular.

89 Bud Lite (I guess HERE WE GO is working well)
78 natural lite close but need a few more 6 pack sales
12 Bud full beers and a couple of Ultra
a 6 pack of coors lite
4 Bush Lite
few Keystones

weird stuff on the road
A wood clamp
A poor stray cat that followed us for a quarter mile while walking up a hill, (where is Keith Stone when you need him)

Thankful for Today
After all those dreams last night I am still thankful for the support that NIH provided during my stays there over the last couple of years. This is not to suggest that I liked it there just that I realize they did good work and I owe them, but if I never have spend another night in there I would be happy.

Love and kisses to all and good nigth to all
Allan and David

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oct. 9 Day 23

Again the breakfast at hotel was OK but not great so a couple waffles and bowls of cereals and we were off. To see the sites.

We stopped to see Mark Twain Home and Museum.  I found the site interesting with all the references and quotes from Mark Twain writings.  I felt some of the material was a little over the top and a little romaticized.  In my opinion the life and times were made to seem a little better than they were.  I found the Huck Finn character a little over simplified and his life I think was a lot harder than shown by recreators of the town.  For example he was jails for stealing turkeys, melons and onions.  Even Mark Twain lost his father and had to start work at age 11.  The contrast from the Rockcliff Manson was to Mark Twain  to Huck Finn lifes was great.

 Above is a picture of Mark Twain's Home
Then we set off down the road and found an all you can eat buffet chicken stop at lunch.  This was a mistake for a owners as I can eat a lot a of chicken and mash potatoes and gravy, with a side of Salad. 

When  we reached the 40 mile mark we had plans of camping was at a country fair park in Pleasant Hill.  Today they were having a demodulation derby, Dave did not camp there saying he would have no sleep and did not want to "live with the noise for the next 8-10 hours!"  David has no sense of true culture!  David said this is a new low for Allan's acceptable campground list and is still not talking to me civilly . No amount of pleading on my part would change his mind and we headed out of town.  At the edge of town I stopped to think about another park when a truck asked us if we were looking for the Stagecoach Inn.  I said we were looking for a spot to rest our heads and they lead us to an old nursing Home now a stop for deer hunters and bikers for $25 a night per person it is great spot.  This is a great spot for Dave and Me and a great spot for anyone looking for a guest in this area.
River looking south from Quincey.

Ok the Beer Can contest continues
(Dave scolded me for not posting yesterday's results)
Yesterday  Bud Lite by a total of 18 to next closes being natural like at only 12.
Today Bud Lite made a late come back beating out Miller Natural lite by a score of 15 -12.  Bush is losing follower having only 6 and Coors lite has only 3.  Interestingly we saw 4 regular beer cans today the most in a single day ever. 
Weird stuff on the road, sorry the road is really clean the only strange things are:
  • Nerf football
  • ear plugs
  • Wielders glasses

Thankful for Today
I am grateful for writter today.  People like Mark Twain record history, makes us laugh and gives us people and standards to live up to.  I wish I had the touch that makes it easy to write and complies people to do better but I think I missed that part of school, more likely I just don't care about seplling andd grammar enoug1h to be god att this tick. 

Love and Kisses to all and too all a good night.
Allan  and David

Friday, October 8, 2010

Oct 8 Day 23

Breakfast at the Days Inn in Quincy was a little bit of a let down as it had biscuits and gravy but no sausages, cold pancakes and cereal.  I decided to have the biscuits and gravy with some cereal, plus coffee to fill in the empty spots and some, improve my mood.

After breakfast we saw the castle in  Quincey which was a Moroccan style building used as the tourist information center. It is called Villa Katherine and was build around the turn of the century by a man who had found a love in Africa.  She was to arrive after he did in but never showed up and he lived alone in the home for 12 years.  It was a really nice space.  I walked upstairs to see the site and dropped my helmet on the staircase.  The kind woman thought I had fallen and but Dave told her, "The thud was not load enough to be Allan don't worry I know what he sounds like when he falls."  She seemed pleased to see me come down without any damage.

Woods Home or Governor's Mansion in Quincey. 

We then went to the Wood's Manson he was a Governor of the State during the 1860 and supported Lincoln for his run for the presidency.  Wood lost all his money during the 1870 depression and died broke even though he build two masons and at one time was Governor of the state.

We then rode 20 miles to Hamible arriving early enough to see the Rockcliff Manson.  This house was build in the l898 by a lumber baron and needed a staff of 30 to run.  I still can not figure out  why  people would build such huge homes at the time.  In this case the owners lived in the home till he died and then they just locked it up for 43 years until the local organizations saved it.

Rockcliff home in Hannibal MO 

So overall it was a fairly simple day and I am glad as the last couple of days have taken more out of me than I really care to be honest about.  A pair of compression pantihose died today, that has resulted in minor problems in my right leg.  Light compression tonight will fix that.

Mississippi River at Quincey. 

Thankful for Today
I have been wondering about faith seen we left Nauvoo.  It is sometimes a mixed blessing causing hate and fighting with people that have a different belief system.  I have come to the conculsion that faith is good thing when applied with honesty and tolerance. So I have decided to be grateful for faith that people have as it makes other happy and improves the world. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oct 7 Day 22

We woke at 6 but got up late closer to 7 am both Dave and I enjoying some extra rest time.  Besides the temptation of the laying in bed the buffet breakfast did not open till after 7 so we were in no rush.  We had the lite buffet so we could have only the donuts, waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, fresh fruit, muffins and cereal.  I suffered with the joy of sausages and bacon but made up for the loss by having extra waffles, with extra whipped cream. 
Here is the temple in Nauvoo build just recently

The tour of Nauvoo was interesting.  We saw the bakery, the post office, Browning home and gunsmith shop, a tin wares shop and Taylor home.  The people manning the area are all Mormon and they spent about 30% of there time preaching the joys of being a Later Day Saint.  Both Dave and I had heard enough and skipped the blacksmith shop and brickyard.  The Later Day Saints have done a great job restoring the town but I think it is a little bit of cheating to use as a platform for missionary work, but it was worth the stop and I would recommend others at least look in.  Ind the Browning gun shop I saw my 22 semi automatic and Dads pump action 22 so it was a worth well to stop
Dave in the general store trying on a Yoke

We left town and headed south to Warsaw, because the wind was to our backs we made great time and reached the town easily by 2:30.  Dave then suggested that a the camping in Warsaw was poor and that we buy groceries and head out as there was a campground in 20 miles for the night.  We did this and at 32 miles found the Day Inn in Quincy IL meaning I road all 50 miles today, something that was not in our plan.  Our average was over 10.7 mile per hour.

Yesterday I hit a small stone or crack, or just lost control of the bike and ended in the ditch, no fall just in the grass filled ditch and stopped.  Dave laughed and asked why I did not use the brake.  I said I was trying to keep the bike upright.  Today Dave did the same thing twice but with his wide tires tends to "float over the gravel shoulder better so he has more control.  I did not laugh or snicker even a little, but have pointed out numerous times he has gone off road more times than I have.  He has quoted Cork poem more than once which is as follows;
Allan had a fall
In St. Paul
During a Rain
That caused him Pain

Weird Stuff on the Road today
Welding glasses
A whole cooler

Preferred beer to drink, drive and chuck empty out the window, Bush Lite 8 cans to 6 Bud Lite and 5 Natural Lite. What I can not figure out is why there is so many lite beers cans and hardly and just plain beer cans.

Thankful for Today
As with every day there is always something to be thankful for.  As we entered the town of Hamilton we hooked with Tom and his wife and they visited with us for a while.  Then they followed along to Warsaw and sat and talked for a few minutes while feeding us free ice cream cones.  Now kindness, friendliness, etc have been acknowledged before but not FREE ice cream so here I have decided to be grateful for today for Free Ice Cream cones (really for other stuff also)

Love and Kisses
Allan and David

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct 6 Day 21

It has now been 3 weeks out and David is still talking to me.  Maybe all the exposure to the Roden family has driven him  crazy and just expects this is normal now.  Well thank you Donna for lending him out he is really helping me.

Last night we ate baked beans and hot dogs at the campsite and it was OK.  Today after riding 60 miles into Nauvoo IL.  We ate at a AYCE (for those not used to trail talk this is All You Can Eat Buffet) never a good idea for feeding bicyclists and making a profit. 

The night was warmer than the last couple we slept out and getting up was almost comfortable not quite but close.  The showers were empty as was the campground so I used the woman's shower and Dave the men's.  I figured as I am wearing pantihose it would be OK.  After the shower another clothe failure occurred.  I put my foot right through the seat of my compressing underwear.  I thought breifly about trying to get a couple more days out of them but that was impossible so I threw them away and wore the pair we washed yesterday.  My pack is getting lighter and lighter.

We had second breakfast in a small town and the food was great, but the bathroom was flooded.  You just never know in these small towns.  It was a warm day and except for the head wind perfect for riding.  David even took his coat off before the second lunch so you know it had to warm.
Train that crossed our trail today note how long it is.

We had set the target for the ride as Dallas City as our guide said everything we needed would be there.  However, the town has lost all the campgrounds, grocey stores and motels.  So we took off and did another 19 miles into the wind.  It was a killer time and we finished up around 6:30 just before sunset.
Mississippi just outside Dallas City

Somewhere during the last part of the ride Dave said I was low on caffeine and and that made me, "mean and sadistic", just because I my opinion on his chapped dry skin.  I felt I was showing "tough love".
Here is the picture of the scenery we had most of the day flat farm fields.  

Here are some weird stuff on the road over the last couple of days:
  • Pair of vise grips
  • A mop
  • Another small snake
  • Coyote
Really not a lot of stuff as the roads are really clean.  This results in us observing other things.  For instances the most popular beer in Keithsburg (or at least to drink while driving and throw empties out the window), is Keystone Light, later in day there was more of a mix with Miller Light barely making it to second place. 

Thankful for today
I was pretty sore by the end of the day and when we stopped in Dallas City and did not have a spot for the night.  David and I had a pop and zingers.  I felt a little better afterwards and with joking and other distractions we got up finished up.  So I am thankful for simple distractions that takes your mind off problems and lets you finish your day. 

Love and Kisses to all
Allan and David