Check below for the 24th as I did not Wifi for the last 2 days
Oct 23 Day 4 After Di
I went to bed right after dinner and slept so soundly Dave watching TV did not even wake me. In fact Dave claims he turned the TV up so hear the show over my snoring.
This morning Dave discovered that a mouse or something else got into our food pack. Funny how all this trip with all the camping we have done without problems but in a hotel the food was raided. I have to agree with David the the hotel was a new low for us and the room did look better in the dark maybe that is why the draps were pinned closed and half the lights did not work well.
Here is a picture of the Motel with mice.
After a good breakfast at Macks we stoped in the old manson part of the town and toured one of the homes built in 1869. Grant was a friend of the family as he had bought hard tack from the ower so after his world tour he stopped in for a visit. The house had 8000 sq ft of space and was huge,
At breakfast we talked with the local fire chief and told that bridge into MO was no better than the Bridge into KY so after we reviewed both bridges we decided he was right and elected to go over the KY bridge. It was a little scarey but not too horrible we stopped once to let a truck go by after.
On the far side in Wiekliff we stopped for BBQ. Then on down the road fighting a strong head wind. This meant by the time we reached Columbus we were done for the day. Not really finished but both Dave and felt that attempting another 30 miles to the next campground was not going to happen so we called it a day.
For the second time in three days I felt. On Thursday while searching for a campsite in Trail of Tears state park Iattempted to turn around and when I reached the crown of the road found out my legs were done for the day and did not have the push for the turn. So I fell right in the middle of the road. Dave ran to help me up but no cars were coming so I justt injured my pride. Today after entering KY I was swearing at the rummble strips on the side of the road and they stuck back. On a steep hill cimb where I am not going too fast I hit the damn things on my left side over corrected and hit the guard rail on my right side and stopped dead in my tracks. Then fell over onto the road, again Dave ran back to help me up but know it is not a good idea to lie in the middle of any hyway for a long period of time was getting up already. This tiime my elbow that was just healed over is again covered in road rash.
So in summary I dropped my chain 3 time and fell once and had to climb a lot of hills and that just makes me grummpy. Dave has suggested I must be feeling a little better as I threaten to kill him a couple times for teasing me.
Thankful for Today
I am thankful no big trucks were coming when I fell over this afternoon. I am also thankful that Dave was there to help me up although I was moving as soon as I fell it is still nice to see an arm reaching toward you then. In addition I am very very gratefull I did not fall on that damn bridge which had even less space to recover from such supidity.
Love to all and to all Good night.
Allan and Dave
Oct 24 day 5 after Di
The word for today was windy if you stopped for a minute the wind blew you back. The only thing what would make the day better is if all the restuants listed for lunch by the book were closed. So to be evcn happier without lunch it rained on us. Still I was cheerfull and laughed things off. Next came the hail this made the just about perfect day. Just after we left Kentucy we passed a home with 4 kid doing target practice in the backyard parallel to road. They fired more than 20 shots as we passed Dave suggested the being hit by a ricoche woulld make the perfect cap for the day. But the day still had more postive stuff to give us as my rear tire completely wore though and needed to be replaced tonight. As the day just kept getting better the only resturant did not sell alcohol on Sunday. Some days just keep getting better.and better. As the joke goes cheer up things could be worse so I cheered up and sure enough things got worse.
As long as we are discussing the rain today Dave and I discussed the rain as it approached. First I suggested it was raining to the south and Dave said we would past the shower before it got to us. Famous last words. However I made the next stupid comment as a few minute latter Dave stopped and starting puttin on his coat. I asked why he said look at all that rain heading right for us. I then said is not that just some “dust” when Dave stopped laughing he started putting on his rain cap. Being slow I did get a “little wet”.
Sunset from Yesterdays campsite in Columbus KY
Above is plantation home just outside of Hickman KY.
I did manage to stay upright all day today but there were a few doubtful second about doing this. The first one was coming to a stop at a top of a hill to catch my breath. As the bike stops so fast with a headwind I stuggled to get the foot unclipped in time but stayed up. The second time I going down hill towards an intersection in Hickman I noticed that it was a four way stop but as one way was up a steep hill most cars were rolling stoppes at best. I came to the intersection I notice a car coming up I felt it best to stop, Again it was a fast stop and planted my right foot but the bike rolled towards me and when I finally got my foot down it almost landed on the right and had to stutter step to remain up right. Final example of my great riding ability in Hickman again I missed a turn going up a steep hill I stopped short to make the turn the right foot was planted wheel turned and bike started to roll back down the hill and wheel turned backwards trapping my front leg between the frame and wheel, trying to trip me, but I managed to keep my balance for the third close call.
We finally stopped in either Samburg or Tiptonville depending on who you believe as to where the hotel is. The book claims it is Samburge and the map claimes the other but both agree we are close to Reelfoot Lake.
Tankful for Today
Today after I got the new blue coat on I discovered it was both warm and dry, all that styling too. So I grateful for the being dry, warm and upright all day.
Love and kisses to all and to all good night.
Allan and Dave.
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