Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oct. 9 Day 23

Again the breakfast at hotel was OK but not great so a couple waffles and bowls of cereals and we were off. To see the sites.

We stopped to see Mark Twain Home and Museum.  I found the site interesting with all the references and quotes from Mark Twain writings.  I felt some of the material was a little over the top and a little romaticized.  In my opinion the life and times were made to seem a little better than they were.  I found the Huck Finn character a little over simplified and his life I think was a lot harder than shown by recreators of the town.  For example he was jails for stealing turkeys, melons and onions.  Even Mark Twain lost his father and had to start work at age 11.  The contrast from the Rockcliff Manson was to Mark Twain  to Huck Finn lifes was great.

 Above is a picture of Mark Twain's Home
Then we set off down the road and found an all you can eat buffet chicken stop at lunch.  This was a mistake for a owners as I can eat a lot a of chicken and mash potatoes and gravy, with a side of Salad. 

When  we reached the 40 mile mark we had plans of camping was at a country fair park in Pleasant Hill.  Today they were having a demodulation derby, Dave did not camp there saying he would have no sleep and did not want to "live with the noise for the next 8-10 hours!"  David has no sense of true culture!  David said this is a new low for Allan's acceptable campground list and is still not talking to me civilly . No amount of pleading on my part would change his mind and we headed out of town.  At the edge of town I stopped to think about another park when a truck asked us if we were looking for the Stagecoach Inn.  I said we were looking for a spot to rest our heads and they lead us to an old nursing Home now a stop for deer hunters and bikers for $25 a night per person it is great spot.  This is a great spot for Dave and Me and a great spot for anyone looking for a guest in this area.
River looking south from Quincey.

Ok the Beer Can contest continues
(Dave scolded me for not posting yesterday's results)
Yesterday  Bud Lite by a total of 18 to next closes being natural like at only 12.
Today Bud Lite made a late come back beating out Miller Natural lite by a score of 15 -12.  Bush is losing follower having only 6 and Coors lite has only 3.  Interestingly we saw 4 regular beer cans today the most in a single day ever. 
Weird stuff on the road, sorry the road is really clean the only strange things are:
  • Nerf football
  • ear plugs
  • Wielders glasses

Thankful for Today
I am grateful for writter today.  People like Mark Twain record history, makes us laugh and gives us people and standards to live up to.  I wish I had the touch that makes it easy to write and complies people to do better but I think I missed that part of school, more likely I just don't care about seplling andd grammar enoug1h to be god att this tick. 

Love and Kisses to all and too all a good night.
Allan  and David

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