Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oct 12 Day 25

OK I did notice that I am not clear on the date for the last couple of days.  I have tried in retospect to fix the problem, but if the day count of the date is still wrong tough luck!!!  I just don't care I am having my drink tonight, so if you do not like it then just pensil the correction on your screen when you find the error. 

So that brings us to what happened today so let me get started.  We got up rode a long distance had a lite lunch.  Fixed a bike, bought more gear, got lost and did some site seeing, found a hotel as it looks like rain, had dinner and went to bed.  Just about what we do every day.

Is that good enough for you all? 
Dave said it need more detail, so here it is. 
  • Lost another pair of underwear while dressing this morning so I needed to buy some more before Dianne can resupply from home. (BAD)
  • Road and bike path out of Alton was excellent, running along the top of the levee.  (except for the part that was gravel and that sucked)(Balanced)
  • Lewis and Clark spot was closed.  (BAD)
  • Dave made fun of my poor map reading ability (BAD)
  • Walmart open and they had the underwear. (LUCKY, but  I hate Walmart)
  • Dave's bike fixed at Breese Bike and he did an EXCELLENT job, Dave has lost his mystory shift and clunking noises. (Good)
  • I added a mirror, cargo net and new sun glasses to gear bag. (Good stuff Bad as spending money)
  • DQ was closed (sign was up and as I had plans for this for lunch it made me ticked off, so BAD)
  • Had donuts for  lunch (JUST STUPID)
  • Stopped and saw Cahokia mounds (Really Good site seeing)
  • Got lost finding Super 8 in Collinsville IL(had Super 8 breakfast this morning and it looks the same tomorrow NOT GREAT)
  • Had dinner at Pondarosa all you can eat place. (OK)
  • Then had to fight with hotels for this weekend rate (BAD, BAD, BAD, Dave says have more whiskey Al)
OHHH OK some other interesting stuff.
Meet a really nice at breakfast, he served in the navy for 30 years from 45-68 in active duty, then overseas as a consultant.  He and wife was coming home from the reunion for the battle ship he served on.  Turn out his daughter moved to Alton and he now lives outside of Fredrickburg and was driving home. 
Confluence tower next to trail

Next Cahokia and it was great.  When Dianne and I saw them this  summer I was impressed and this time  I am even more impressed and the site is still great.
Part  of the mounds park.
Grateful for Today
I am grateful for Breese Bike shop as he found the problem with David's bike and David will no long complain about not having 5th gear, and the clunking was not fun either.  Way to go Breese, even better Breese told Dave he has to remove some of the excess oil on his chain, and become more like me!  In short Oil less goop zero!!! 

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