Oct 3 Day 18
With all the frost warning last night David and I were pleased to be in a heated room for the night in the town of Thompson. Right next to the hotel was a lounge that had OK beer and good steak. We left before the music started thus we avoided the women that were lining up to ask us to dance. As I could just barely walk, I was happy to swing my feet up onto the bed and call it a day.
This morning was really cold and we slept in till the grand late hour of 6:35. I was pleased to have a couple cups of coffees in the room before breakfast and then plenty more at the restaurant. Even with all the luxury we had this morning we started out before 8.
Dave broke it when his bike fell over at a visitor center today. David's new mirror worked well although he complains it convex and therefore not as good as his original if we ever see a bike store I am sure he will buy a new one, but the repaired one only cost a total of $5 and that included the vinyl tape he used to hold it to the old mounting.
Above is a windmill just off the river south of Thompson
The ride out of town started off on a bike path and was flat. David has suggested my mood was improved by the word level and extra coffee muttered in the restaurant whenever my cup was low. Yesterday the stop for breakfast did not have coffee and maybe this was the reason for my, “less than cheerful mood”, Today Dave has suggested I was “Happy Happy” which most likely can be attributed to the extra caffeine in my system.
Flat trail that made my mood improve according to Dave.
One strange thing yesterday discussed was the snake on the road. As I approached it got off the road and out the way quickly, as David passed it turned and stuck towards him. Have never seen this before so it can be stated as weird. Today we had two squirrel incidences. A squirrel ran from left to right across the road, when it reached the ditch it jumped at least 8 feet across and I swear was close to flying or at least gliding in the air. Then a squirrel running in the same direction passed just to the front of my bike and between Dave's front and rear wheels, under his feet. I claimed it was a suicide attempt but Dave feels the squirrel just timed it that way.
As we were on bike paths all day there was only one idiot sighting and he also on a bike. As we climbing out of the town of Port Byron on a large street. Dave said there is bike behind just as I started to move towards Dave he zipped pass between us, this upset me. David suggested that I catch him and explain to him proper biker edict. As I had a chocolate cake, after the roasted chicken for lunch I was not moving too fast the only I could have caught up to the jerk was if he had hit a tree down the trail.
Thankful for Today
I really really liked the flat bike paths today, from Thompson all the way to Hampton we were on low volume traffic roads and bike paths. The whole way the river was just beside and the trains were across the river so their horns sounded muted rather than harsh and sudden. So today I thankful for the comfortable ride beside the river on a quite bike trails with the birds singing and light traffic.
Love and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
Allan and David.
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